PageSpeed - Image optimization

The PageSpeed Modules, mod_pagespeed and ngx_pagespeed, are open-source webserver modules that optimize your site automatically.

Pre-built binary packages for Apache

Build from source on Nginx

Read how to enable the module and adjust it for your system

Examples of PageSpeed optimization filters in action.

On our discussion mailing lists you can ask questions and get help from the developers and other users.

If PageSpeed isn't working correctly on your site, file a bug and we'll look into it.

Download the source code, to build on your machine.

Talk about code changes, designs, refactoring, and new features. If you're interested in getting started with PageSpeed development, introduce yourself here!

All our developer-focused documentation, from how to get started with a development environment, to running tests, to our list of priorities.

Documentation for the PageSpeed optimization libraries.

While mod_pagespeed (Apache) and ngx_pagesped (Nginx) are the only two server integrations developed by the core PageSpeed team, people have ported PageSpeed to other servers as well.